Monday, March 21, 2016

The Stew Show - Episode 69: A Rainy Day for Stew and the Wolf

The Wolf gets tore up by the jungle. Blackberries, thorns mixed with poison oak. Is it worth it to work hard to be famous? NYC club does "Fame" by David Bowie, may he live through his music for eternity. Stew gets called an a-hole by one of his mentors, A Carolla. The Wolf tells his past drug history...quite interesting. Movie talk...the Bronz. How many people watch the Olympics now. Vegans.

Monday, March 14, 2016

The Stew Show - Episode 68: San Diego Sean Prudog in the house with Stew

Movie Chat, the How Weird st Fair, Chantarelle mushroom picking, it's all Gourmet. Plus Hawaii, there's fungus among us. Spodog, Spodie, Spodunkle, gets into football. R.I.P. Lemmy we love Moterhead. Why Sean isn't a broadcaster. Coronado love comes your way through a can of soda. Smock hates weed smokers. Stew moons the crowd as a youngster. Randy Burgess is Guy Fieri and pulls Stew's hair. Gwar is going to make a come back. Bow ties and Haircuts. Aloha and Hugs.

Monday, March 7, 2016

The Stew Show - Episode 67: The Stew Show has Brad Olsen and Heinz

If we didn't love you, we wouldn't talk about you. Tough love is hard to digest—take it with a grain of salt. Rocks from space, traveling with Heinz, Europe vs the USA. Stew and Santosh will mos def crack you up later in this episode. We talk shop on the Howeird Street Fair coming up and Brad's new book.